About the project
This project started in April 2008 and ended in October 2010.
This project investigates the concept of quality in simultaneous interpreting from two complementary perspectives. In a worldwide web-based survey among conference interpreters, the project seeks to establish the profession’s shared quality standards and norms, with special reference to interpreters’ self-perception of their role. At the same time, experimental research is carried out to assess the impact of paralinguistic features in the interpreter’s delivery on audience comprehension.
Using an interdisciplinary mix of research methods drawn from fields like cognitive and social psychology and applied linguistics, the project thus addresses crucial aspects of interpreter-mediated communication, from the professional aspirations of those providing the service to the cognitive effect of their performance on the audience.
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The team
Lead researcher:
Project staff members:
Ingrid Kurz
ZTW, Universität Wien
Gymnasiumstraße 50
1010 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-580 05
F: +43-1-4277-580 08